The Intruder

The Intruder

2005 - 11 locations

"The Intruder" is a 2005 Belgian film directed by Frank Van Mechelen. The film is a thriller and revolves around the mysterious disappearance of a young girl.

The story follows Paul, played by Koen De Bouw, a man whose life changes drastically when his daughter disappears. His search for her leads him to several dark and dangerous situations. During his quest he meets various characters, all of whom can provide a piece of the puzzle, but also have their own secrets.

"The Intruder" combines tension, drama and emotion, and offers an immersive viewing experience through the intense performances and atmospheric cinematography. The film was praised for its strong story, the oppressive atmosphere and the impressive acting of Koen De Bouw and the other cast members.

More information at: TMDB

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The Intruder | ID: 325