Let's go back to it

Bassie & Adriaan: Het geheim van de schatkaart 1987 - 44 locations
Episode 5: Het gestolen schilderij

Bassie and Adriaan walk through the center of Vlaardingen to collect old paper for the construction of the new clubhouse. Together with the B&A boys they sing the song 'Come on, let's go again' at Liesveld.

The street was a lot wider then, but you can recognize the cinema in the background and the apartments on the left can still be recognized.

View all locations in the collection Bassie en Adriaan.

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Latitude: 51.909865, Longitude: 4.341136
Last change on 2021-07-26
Bassie & Adriaan: Het geheim van de schatkaart

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Bassie & Adriaan: Het geheim van de schatkaart | Let's go back to it | ID: 374 |